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.Thursday, January 8, 2009 ' 2:00 AM Y

Sorry for not updating. . So, just came back from work. Damn tired. Almost won something. :( Got position on floor support. Haha. Whatever. There was a comotion cause of some thingy. Boring day at work place. I agree with Ben. So true, so true about those rumours .Yesterday was a normal day. Had normal stupid customer and and not very helpful TL for my career. After working rushed back home and then watch Body Lies movie. ArgH ..!

.Tuesday, January 6, 2009 ' 12:35 AM Y

Pack and Throw

I’ve always regarded ‘throwing away’ as the highest form of cleaning my room. Not this time though, even though I managed to fill up half of my locker with tshirt and pants. It feels great to see a neat room, but here’s the problem that follows up: how long can this (cleanliness) last.

I almost didn’t wanted to pack my room. Spring cleaning! But the situation my room was in, was unbearable. I can’t start go working with a room like that! So either my room is super-duper clean or loves the accompany of dirt, dust and papers (lying everywhere).

It’s 2009 and I haven’t touched most of the Times magazines I subscribed to in 2008. So here I am, reading. Catching up with what has already happened months ago really isn’t cool at all.

Tommorow (6th) would be my first week of holidays. Damn. I’m probably gonna be home , while the rest of the days will be spent on net’ stuffs.

Oh, and I just wanted to share some quotations I came across. They are from Helen Kellen. If you don’t know her, then you are in the 0.1% of world population who don’t know who she is..

Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature…. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.

Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.



.Saturday, January 3, 2009 ' 2:07 AM Y

lie and shit.

I hate how people lie and shit when you been there for them through thick and thin and all that type of dramaaaaaa when NO ONE ELSE WOULDA BEEN THERE, I've BEEN THERE with/for YOU. I was the only person there to pick you up when you fell, make you smile when you felt down, told you to NOT TO GIVE UP when others would put you down, gave you hope when there was none, and laughed at your jokes when no one else got them (HAHA) and would not.
I admit, I wasn't perfect just as much as you wasn't.. but together, it was perfect. No one's perfect, we just gotta make do with what we got and love 'em for who they are. I sure did. You would THINK that they could show you a little courtesy (I dunno if that's the right word I'm looking for but you get my point) or at least just tell you the truth about whatever after all that you two been through and shit. Guess I'm wrong... They can't even be straight up with you when you ask them a question you know, and you already know what the deal is but you just wanna hear it from them to see if they gonna tell you the truth or lie about it.
You ask them to be HONEST for ONCE and they go and lie to you!! and WHY?! What's the point in lying when it's gonna come out EVENTUALLY. Ain't nothing to hide or be ashamed about unless that person's trying to hide it from others as well. But yeah.. It's JUST me, LaNz.. you know the person who you've known to be there for you regardless of the situation. If anything, I'm the type of person to be HAPPY for YOU. I ain't gonna be bitter about it, at first, maybeeeee but that's just human nature (c'mon, you people know it too that you'd feel the same way) but being the person I am, I'm very forgiving and I'll take it in with open arms. YOU know that shit.
People got to make something soo little into something soo BIG when they lie, and it don't even need to be that way in the first place. Being HONEST to me about it or ANYTHING.. counts.. even if it may be about something that I won't like to hear but OH WELL right? At least I'll know the deal. I mean like, at least I'll still have some respect or whatever the hell that word is I'm looking for, for you, ya know because you were TRUTHFUL about it. I HATE digging the truth outta someone, I just WISH that they could grow the balls to tell me FIRST before someone else does. Quit frontin' and be straight up about it. I'd rather know the truth now than have it come to me later by others.
It saddens me to know that a person who you loved and trusted for soo longgggg can't be honest to you.. It just sucks! I just asked to know the truth.. a LITTLE HONESTY, you know and they can't even do that. Is that SOO MUCH to ask for, is it SOO MUCH to do? The fuck?? This really makes me NOT wanna trust people cuz of things like this. I'm ALWAYS being taken forgranted. You don't like being lied to so what the hell makes you think I like it? I'm just.. really disappointed in you.. I know you're better than that.
Please stop beatin' around the bush and stop acting stupid like ain't nuthin happening cuz da jig is up. It's been up!
Don't worry, you're true colors are truly shining brightly. They REALLY REALLY are...
...I just wish they weren't so shady..
Even after all that's said and done.. it's like I told you before.. * you'll always have a special place in my heart and I'll always love you no matter what. *

.Wednesday, December 31, 2008 ' 5:14 AM Y

Current mood: exhausted

I decided to stop be infront of row for awhile and just focusing on my work back.Simply because it's hard to take back what you say, and I say the darndest things a lot.Lots of thing going on right now i just need times to move on ..Anyway i just to make sure im on the right track that why i need times for moment..

Too much even. I'd like to consider it a self containment, collecting all these scrap thoughts and rolling it all up like a big plastesine ball. Maybe I'll write something that makes more sense, and moves more feet than just scribblings of emotional notions and political and humanitarian failures. Awareness stops here, change. Dont worry, i be back but not the same person that you know always anyway happy new years to all my peeps.

LaNz , signing off.cheers

.Tuesday, December 30, 2008 ' 1:57 AM Y


Every night I log in, check out my blog and think what to write and everytime I fail to produce anything. So, I gave up. As usual, browse through my hard drive looking for videos and movies.
I did not have any intention to write tonight but my heart suddenly whispered something. My fingers automatically on the keyboard ready to begin typing. But my brain is not functioning at all. I don’t even know what I am typing right now. If this ever happened to you, could you please let me know what kind of decease am I having at the moment? Because I know this post is going to be flat, nothing but text. It is not interesting at all and bloody boring but I’m still continue writing. This is not for the sake of updating my blog. Ah… what is this then?
I hate this feeling. I bloody hate it. I wish I could run away from it but I know I cannot escape from it. The feeling that is indescribable. So hard to say it out loud but can’t stand it if you keep it. Feel like hopeless, useless, nothing is more painful than you, yourself. What is waiting me in the future? Good news? Bad news? I wish the “Oracle” had the answers. If good news, I will be smiling. If bad news, I will smile as well but maybe in tears. I wonder who am I and what would I be if “she” is still around.
Sometimes I wonder when you’re being nice, unconsciously are you actually being stupid? So, if you’re being too nice that means you’re being unconsciously too stupid aren’t you? You thought you were nice but you are actually stupid. How pathetic is that? The unreportable mental activities. Funny to say but that’s what I thought sometimes. Only God knows what’s going on in my mind at the present time…

. ' 1:44 AM Y

Mawi World.

A lot of people including myself, have wondered about the MAWI phenomenon. Why do people love him so much? Why did 12 million people vote for him for the AF3 finals? What does he have that i don't have? right?you know, i realised now, the question that i should have been asking myself is , "what can i learn from this guy?MAWI to me is not just a phenomenon. MAWI is a lesson, a greater power is trying to teach us. I feel people want to connect with someone who is real. I feel the malays want to champion someone who they can identify with, who potrays the common people, with the same values they have. Is the boy next door, themselves going against the odds.MAWI is what every average teenager, coming from a poor family, dreams to be.MAWI is a dream realised.MAWI means DREAMS CAN COME TRUE.MAWI, Semoga awak sedar kuasa awak terhadap sebilangan besar masyarakat yang look up to you. Macam dialog dlm SPIDERMAN,"With great power, comes great responsibilities." Stay true to your NAWAI-TU or honorable intentions"i salute you for what you have done to the Malaysian public, you have moved them and in Malaysia that is a big deal. More power to you bro. You are on your way to becoming a great Malaysian.Apa yang aku membebel ni ......??

. ' 12:46 AM Y

in memory all of us.

"They say the good die young"
"You don't know where to begin when you lose somebody who's been such a big part of your life for so long., . Not a day will go by without his spirit and influence around us all. He will be missed as a friend, father and both the heart and ambassador of Sungai Petani
Right now, there's a lot of people focusing on the way he died. I want to remember the way he lived. His was funny, he was smart, he was kewl. He inspired everyone around him. He can never, ever be replaced. He was, and always will be, my best friend." may ALLAH bless your soul ..rest in peace, al-fatihah to andy... www.myspace.com/andyspikey

My Info

Name : Azlan Ahmad
Age : 24
Status : Single
My Career : Technical Support
Study Course : Computer System
Life Style : Totaly Nerd
Current Residence: Damansara
Hometown : Sungai Petani,Kedah

Currently Addicted

Online on the Net
Playing Sony PSP
HipHop Music

Islamic Date

Music Of The Week


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All those people always supporting me in mylife.Thanks for everything that you all have done for perhaps ALLAH will bless you all and thanks drop by at mypage,peace one love.